16 thoughts on “June 2nd, 2018”

  1. The MuSE was a great experience because I was able to see such inventive architecture and I also got to learn more about Trentino’s history through a different lense. What I found most intriguing about our visit were the various ways the museum presented information. My favorite exhibit was the physical replicas of the evolution of man. The exhibit displayed the progression of man through four different stages. The life-like models were created by two Dutch brothers and they all were designed to match what man would have looked like in Trentino and the surrounding area given each stage. At the end of the exhibit, there was also a model of Charlie Chaplin because he had worked in the industrial factory that had been on the same grounds as the MuSE before it was reconstructed. The MuSE is a very special museum because it is able to convey important information very simply. An example of this is the timeline that each exhibit presents. It is easy to understand the exhibits because the museum gives its visitors visual comprehension tools. I really enjoyed the museum and I cannot wait to read about the upcoming research and exhibits that MuSE creates!

  2. Today we went to MuSe in the city of Trento. I was really excited about this trip and it definitely exceeded my expectations. Getting to see how the architect was able to design the museum to look like three peaks of the alps was amazing. My favorite part about the museum was the rainforest/greenhouse. Because I live in an area with valleys and plains, I have never really seen the mountainous rainforest. I thought it was amazing that there were so many butterflies and flowers in it. When we walked in and saw the waterfall, it was hard to believe that we weren’t outside. I think they did a really great job at representing the climate and kinds of species that reside in the area. It is really awesome that the youth in Trentino have a place like the MuSe to be able to learn all about their wonderful region.

  3. Today we all visited the MuSe museum and the whole experience was very intriguing to me because of all the different types of history artifacts and current research. One of the topics that we discussed that I found most interesting was the dams and the rivers. How if they did not put the dams up that only let out a few portions of the river then the whole town would flood. I think that it was a very good idea because it does not cut off all natural water sources that go into the town it just limits the amount of water for the safety of the town. One of my favorite exhibits was all the animals that went all the way up the ceiling and they did that based on which altitude they resided in. I personally thought that was a very different and unique way of displaying the animals of the region and where they live. Another amazing exhibit was the globe and how the tour guide put up the different planes to each destination across the country. I viewed this as it showing how much tourism can affect a country because it seemed that most of the flights were going to wealthy and beautiful places meaning that the countries that do not have those features do not get the tourism which also means they do not get the money that comes along with it. This museum did an amazing job at showing the evolution of man and the way we look at present day sciences. I really enjoyed this museum and hope to go back soon!

  4. The MuSe was a really fun experience. My favorite part was this world that was projected onto a white sphere, and it was projecting different views of the earth. It showed where all the lights were, so for example in New York it was really lit up. Also, it had the flight routes of all the flights on a given day that you wanted to see. Then our guide showed us the population density around the world. I think it was really interesting to be able to see the world in those types of aspects, I was really intrigued. Displayed all over the museum were different animals, and every time you went up a floor it would be considered a higher altitude and the animals specific to that altitude is what would be displayed there. The amount of thought that was put behind that showed the amount of attention to detail they had within this exhibit. The other interesting part of this museum was the fact that most of the animals displayed were not only real, but were not in cases. Therefore, you were able to be up close and personal to them and really be able to see the details close up. This museum was definitely something I really have never experienced before. I hope I can come back and spend more time there again.

  5. Today’s visit to the MuSe reminded me of my hometown, San Diego. In San Diego, we have the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, and Balboa Park which includes the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center (Fleet), San Diego Natural History Museum (the NAT), Japanese Friendship Gardens and many other museums across multiple disciplines. In my opinion, the MuSe combined the science and “kid atmosphere” of the Fleet to the detailing of the connection between the past and the present of the NAT. An interesting combination of ideas that wouldn’t always work, but in this case met and exceeded all expectations for it.

    Many of the little science “games” I saw inside and outside of the MuSe reminded me of exhibits I’ve seen at the Fleet, such as the one outside of the building that consisted of two large circles on opposite ends of the grass. If one speaks into the circle, their friend standing at the other circle will be able to hear what they say even though they are relatively far apart. I found it fascinating to see one of my favorite exhibits from the Fleet in San Diego, California being enjoyed by children at the MuSe here in Trento, Italy. This shows me that science in a general form has the ability to connect the entire world. It also reminded me of the fact that no matter where you are from or what language you speak, science is science, and it can be an incredibly interesting subject when presented in a compelling way.

  6. Today we visited the Muse Museum located in Trento, the capital of the autonomous province of Trentino, which serves to educate its visitors about the surrounding nature, while also promoting the culture and innovations made and found within the region. The museum itself is a model of sustainability, with is innovative architecture and technology. The building is surrounded by small canals, and its roofs are designed to look like the surrounding peaks of the mountains, in an attempt to make the building more similar to the mountainous environment of the Trentino region. Solar roofing systems, natural lighting, advanced ventilation systems, and even a system which collects rain water to be reused throughout the building for various purposes are just some of the advanced systems used throughout the building to save energy.

    In the museum, each level of the building serves to teach different topics, including dinosaurs and the evolution of humans, and others which have exhibits for things such as different ways to be more sustainable, the impact of weather on the region, as well as animals who inhabit the area. After our guided tour, I revisited the floor which presented information on some of the renewable technologies and ideas which Europe, including Italy were looking to pursue, and was really interested to learn that Italy was one of the leaders (5th out of EU member states) of organic crop area for agricultural land. Starting in 1991, the number of companies and farmers switching to producing with more organic processes increased drastically, from less than 5,000 in 1991, to close to 55,000 by 2001, with the trend currently increasing. The impact of organic farming on the environment is large, as the process does not involve the use of pesticides and other chemicals to grow the crops. This is important because these pesticides and chemicals can not only damage the soil over time, but they can also find their ways into the local water ways and eventually downstream, by which point multiple levels of the biosphere have been negatively impacted. Overall, the museum was very interesting, and unlike any other exhibit I’ve been too, and getting to explore the beautiful city of Trento afterwards was an added bonus to the experience.

  7. The MuSe museum was such an interesting experience. My favorite part was learning about the history of the museum and the measures they take in order to be sustainable. It was really cool to be able to present regarding the works of Renzo Piano and then to physically be able to see it. The digital images of the Le Aberine district depicted the residential apartments to be very populated, however, it was surprising to learn that it’s quite the opposite in person- high rent plays a big role in keeping the apartments almost barren.
    Some of my favorite parts of the MUSE museum was being able to touch the frozen glacier and learning about the dam and how they were able to slow the flood waters by creating just a small opening in the center of the dam versus there being just a dam that would create a build-up of water and then create an overflow. I also really liked how they gave an actual visual representation that mimicked the circumstances.

  8. Today we left Ponte Arche and set out for Trento to visit the MuSE. The first thing that struck me about the building itself was interesting look it had from the outside which, come to find out, was by design as the architect of the building wanted it to look as if the structure was a mountain itself. The look of the outside followed the path of the main concept of the exhibits within the museum, which was centered around mountain ecosystems and the paths of life they follow. What I found most interesting about the MuSE was the interactive globe on the first floor that demonstrated energy consumption, flight patterns, and trade routes of the entire Earth. This really put into perspective for me the differences that are present within every facet of life between countries of differing levels of overall socio-economic status and stages of development. After the tour was over, I went back to the first floor and took a deeper look into the information that was available on sustainability and the path that was being followed. What I found most interesting from this was the the information regarding hydrogen technology and how, if used in the proper fashion, it could reduce carbon and pollution emmission to zero. The methods that were outlined consisted of large scale hydrogen storage, hydrogen production from biomass, and hydrogen production from renewable sources. All of these methods connect to every single part of energy consumption and can be applied to anything, which I found extremely compelling considering the current state of our environment due to pollution and carbon emissions. The trip provided me with new perspectives on energy production and consumption and illustrated to me that the world isn’t set in stone when it comes to consumption, all it really takes is an agent of change to spark the energy revolution and I hope to, one day, see that happen.

  9. Today we visited the MuSe Science Museum in Trento. It was opened in 2013 and designed by the famous architect Renzo Piano. It is 6 stories high and In the shape of a tower, getting smaller and smaller as you go up. Each floor is filled with different topics, some even having to do with what animals live at what climates as one would go up the alps. Some fun sustainable facts about the building itself include that it was built using local materials such as grey and white rock that is used for the walls, they used bamboo as some of the railings in the building with the intention that since bamboo grows quickly it would be able to be replanted, the rainwater is collected and used for toilet and sink water, and some of the electricity that powers the whole building comes from solar panels that are on top of the building. On the second floor, for example, we learned that 37,156,308 MWh of energy from renewable sources is used today and 158,389,467 MWh of energy from non renewable sources are used today.

  10. Today we visited the MuSE Museum in the beautiful city of Trento. Before even entering the several exhibits the museum had to offer, I immediately recognized the sustainable features the building contained. In the entrance I noticed how it had been rated LEED gold in 2015. Professor Duran then let me know that the science museum in Trento was the first LEED building in the entire country. Once we made it into the stunning exhibits, we learned about the natural sciences present in Trento and generally from around the globe. On the second floor, there was an exhibit which mainly utilized NOAA data to track seismic activity, trading routs, and population density from around the globe. That area of the museum was intended to educate the common public on how exactly human intervention (Anthropocene actions) had reshaped our natural environments. On the same floor I also found that even though new construction standards have been altered to lower energy consumption in most of the E.U and especially Italy, it still has not been enough to lower electrical consumption. In fact, the energy consumed by electrical devices at home, and hot water has been steady. Sustainable innovations are necessary to discontinue the sturdy trend of Italian energy usage.

  11. Today’s visit to the MUSE museum ignited my inner curiosity, fueled my passion for discovery, experimentation, and critical thinking! The MUSE embodies a modern, innovative and sustainable institution. The museum is built like a mountain and as you climb up the stairs, each floor hosts different exhibits that are different topics that building on the previous one.
    Unlike most museums, there wasn’t a lot of writing in the exhibits, instead there were different experts standing near each exhibit, eager to answer questions. The engineers of the museum purposely did this because they wanted to encourage human interaction and promote the reciprocity of learning which I think was very neat. In addition, also with the intention of creating a different and more interactive experience for museum visitors, unless they were super rare, most exhibits were not in a case!!
    The Tropical Butterfly House really accomplished this goal and brought science to life for me. Our tour guide, geologist, Marco informed us that the butterflies in typically arrive as pupae and some of these butterflies will start emerging the day they arrive or the next day. Other species may take a full week before they reach adulthood. After emerging, they may live for a week or maximum, a few months.
    Hopefully academics and engineers follow the unique model of the MUSE museum and structure more museums like this because humans everywhere can benefit from this type of teaching! Maybe, just maybe, some of us can take our inspiration, energy & creativity and build a museum like this in LA County?

  12. 6-2-18
    Today we ventured into Trento, a city known for its beautiful landscape and snowy mountains. Inside of Trento we went on a tour of the Museo delle Scienze (MUSE). The museum is layered, each floor representing a different era of history. Three exhibits piqued my interest; the first being an artistic recreation of ancient peoples. One of these figures was of a neanderthal, one of a young boy, and one of a woman farmer. The artist painstakingly created these lifelike figures to the point where upon entering I thought they were real people above me.
    The second piece that I was particularly interested in was the about energy usage. It showed multiple different variations of our globe; one displaying the light pollution given off across the world, one showing the amount of flights (19,000 flights per day), and a third showing the boating trips. It was shocking how much fuel we burn every day, the degree of pollution given off every month was astounding to me.
    The third particularly interesting piece was of the dolomite mountains themselves, on the top level. There was a reconstruction of how the mountains looked, with two separate photos being used as a base. One photo was taken 10 years ago, and the other 30 years. The sculpture showed the difference between the two photographs, with part of the mountain showing the more recent melts caused by increasing global temperatures, reducing the ice level by 30 meters. This has resulted in increased flooding, as well as the discovery of long buried grenades and weapons.
    At the end of our trip we were able to explore the rest of the city during the Festa Della Repubblica with a talk on economics being broadcast to the Piazza Duomo. It came as a surprise and was interesting to see people come out solely to listen to the broadcasted lecture.

  13. Today’s visit to Museum Muse was definitely one of my favorite aspects of the trip so far. I enjoyed learning about the natural history of the Dolomite mountains, as well as witnessing Renzo Piano’s infamous architecture. The museum was founded in 2013, and replaced Trento’s old science museum. Standing six floors tall, the museum educates visitors about the history of the alps by separating the museum by altitude levels. With the first floor representing various oceanic and sea level ecosystems, and the top floor representing the tip of the alps, visitors are able to experience all of the diverse ecosystems existing in Italy, as well as other exhibits about genealogy, senses, and much more. Renzo Piano was the architect commissioned for the for this endeavor, and utilized the alpine landscape in order to mimic the triangular terrain during construction of the museum Additionally, Piano designed Le Albere, the city district surrounding the museum. Unfortunately, the city is having diffculty occupying these apartments because the rent is so expensive. Because Piano’s artwork is exemplified through his architecture, the initial price of the apartments are higher than the typical rent in Trento. In addition, these apartments were constructed with various sustainability aspects, however, this also comes at an increased price for the tennants. Because of this, many of the apartments remain vacant, however, they are still recognized by visitors and Trentino inhabitants for both their famous architecture and sustainable characteristics. Overall, Piano utilized his architecture to increase awareness and educate the public about both sustainable living and the natural history of the alps.

  14. Today we went into Trento and visited the MuSE, which was interesting on its own for the exhibits it offered and the way in which they followed the elevation levels of the mountains from floor to floor, but was more so because of the sustainability it promoted and displayed throughout. I was particularly interested in this aspect of the museum because it is refreshing to know that efforts are being done around the globe to limit waste and bring awareness to the pressing issue that is global warming. I was also appreciative of how the museum offered interactive exhibits on every floor and was suitable for all ages, because this only promotes more thoughtful and memorable interactions between people and topics that are vastly important. I especially liked the floor showing the glacial levels over time, as it really put into perspective just how much of an impact we have on the Earth, while doing so in a way that someone of any age could understand. In the same way, I found the display of the globe with projections of light pollution levels, air traffic patterns, shipping routes, etc., to have a provoking effect that would cause anyone to think deeply about our impact, which cannot be done enough.
    While the museum was my favorite part of today, it was also nice to go into the historic center of the city and experience more of the culture this region and its people have to offer. I also can’t get over how great it is to sit down at a small café and be able to take in the breathtaking sites that are all around us. I am excited to hike into the mountains tomorrow so we can see even more of these views!

  15. Today when we visited the Museo delle Scienze or as it is so lovingly called, MUSE, I felt like I was a kid again, infatuated with anything and everything that the world had to offer! The museum was amazing in both architecture and educationally. An interesting thing that I learned about the museum’s architecture is that it is built like one of the dolomite mountain summits. On the inside of the museum in the center going up are animals hanging from the celling in order from lowest altitude to highest altitude. I thought it was very nice that such detail was put into the exhibits to make them even more educational and intriguing for the visitors. I thought that the most interesting thing in regards to the sustainability of the building was that it was built with local Trento material such as local rocks and stone for the walls, local pines used for the flooring and paneling, rainwater used to flush the toilets and for faucet water and lastly solar panels that are used for electricity. I believe that these are some of the main reasons that it won sustainability awards among the community. I’d love to go back and see it for a whole day in order to experience it for all its worth because there are so many things to learn at the MUSE that I believe everyone should be a part of.

  16. Today we visited the MUSE in Trento. Not only was the museum itself amazing but the drive to the town was also incredible. It felt like we were in the movie Avatar with the floating mountains because the mountain tops were so high up. The museum had a plethora of cool exhibits to offer in order to learn more about the world as a whole, and the surrounding area of course. A few of my favorite exhibits included: the greenhouse with all of the plants and butterflies, the indoor glacier, as well as the gigantic globe that gave a bunch of important data about that world that contributes to the decreasing quality of the environment. Out of the three, the globe was definitely my favorite. I was also pleader to hear the the building of the museum is somewhat environmentally conscious of their operations. Our guide told us that the water used to flush the toilets comes from rain water. I thought that was awesome. I also explored the garden outside, which was beautiful. The smell of onions kept seeping into my nose.
    As a whole, today was an incredible day and I really liked how the museum came full circle with history and current environmental challenges and how the two are connected.

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